

Byron & Jessica Engagement Sneak Peek

My beautiful sister-in-law Jessica is getting married to Byron in June.  We did a quick little engagement session last weekend – got another one coming up, too.  They are so cute together – here’s a sneak peek:

Allow me to retract my previous statement….

I could also title this post, “My new addiction: scrapbooking”.  So in an earlier post, I mentioned that I don’t scrapbook.  I talked (in length) about the joys of Becky Higgins and her creation, Project Life, which I L.O.V.E.  I talked about the mess of scrapbooking and pointed to that as my main reason for not doing it.

Well, guess what?  I lied.  And I blame Becky Higgins.  🙂  You know how people say that some drugs are “gateway drugs” to much harsher drugs?  Yea, well, for me, Project Life is the “gateway drug” to real scrapbooking, complete with all the cute cardstock and papers, embellishments, alphabet stamps, loads and loads of ribbon….. 

I’m seriously addicted.  Through the Project Life site, I have discoverd Big Picture Classes, a website dedicated to scrapbooking.  There are free classes and those you pay for, and there are some self-paced projects, too.  I just recently signed up for a very cool workshop called “i.scrap”.  It’s taught by Stacy Julian, who, I’m discovering, is a long-time super scrapper and very famous in the scrapping world.  She’s so creative!  Anyway, I want to share my project with you as it is so far, but in the mean time, go to Big Picture Classes and sign up – membership is free – and you just might find a new outlet for your own creativity!!!

So, the jist of i.scrap is to take 9 “I statements” – you know, “I will…” or “I am…” or “I believe…” – and find a picture from last year that goes with each I statement.  Stacy gave us the “I statements” to use for this project.  We made our book as an 8×8 book, one picture per page, and a coordinating journaling page.  I thought I’d share before I write the journal section of each page:

I was....conflicted.

I went...crazy and back again, but I'm OK now.

I once…thought life was easier than this.

More pages later – there’s 9 layouts total, plus the title page.  Hope you enjoy these!

Extreme frustration….

So, I think my picture of the day explains how I’ve been feeling lately:


So, life has been stressful to say the least.  Those who know me will probably tell you that I’m a pretty happy and optimistic person.  I roll with the punches.  When life hands me lemons, I make a margarita on the rocks with salt thankyouverymuch.  But sometimes, I really feel like I might explode. 

I have been raised to completely trust that God will not give me more than I can handle.  And I guess I should feel honored that God thinks I’m so strong, because I’ve been given a lot of stuff to handle all at one time.  I’m dealing – not alone, mind you.  I couldn’t maintain my sanity without my faith, my family, and my friends.  I never ever ever want to try to go through life alone.  That would seriously send me over the edge. 

So, to those of you who have reached out to me to just say hello, or tell me you love me, even when you didn’t know what I was going through…  And to those of you who do know what I’m going through and you love me anyway!  And to those of you who keep me and my family in your prayers, even though things in your own life are falling apart, too…

I love you back.  And I couldn’t make it through each day without you. 

God bless.

It’s a family thing…

So, I’m all crafty lately and wanted to share one of the projects I’m working on.  Yesterday my Project Life kit came (YAY!) but it’s for 2011.  I started a 2010 album a couple weeks ago based on the ideas behind Project Life and I’m loving it.  🙂  I normally do a digital album on Shutterfly, but for 2010 I decided to do something more scrapbook-y (yea, that’s a word – look it up).  So, here’s what I am working on:

First, I found a big photo album that has room to add pages – got it in a pretty bright green – and I bought that “Family” sticker in the scrapbook section:

I gathered all my goodies together before I started working – the album, some cute month-by-month stickers, a book of seasonal scrapbook paper, a corner rounder, scissors, a ruler, a straight-edge cutter, Sharpie’s, and note stickers:

I laid out my pictures, arranging them so that I left one or two slots open per layout to put notes about each event, and I rounded the corners of the pictures as I went.  Then I started making mini scrapbook pages, 4×6 like my pictures, to describe the events in the pictures:


I’m still working on it – I’ve only used pictures from the first half of 2010 – and I’m going to go back and redo some of the description sections, but I’m liking what I see so far.  It’s fun to go through it and see what I’ve done.  My daughter Marley made the picture for the cover:

I’ll post more pictures as I do more work on it.  And I have a cool idea involving ribbon (love!) to finish it off.  🙂

The thing is…

So, as you can see by the little badge over to the right –> I’m participating in the Post A Week 2011, which means that at least once a week, I’ll blog about one of the topics posted on that blog.  This is the first week that I’m participating, and I really like the topic that was posted the other day:  What’s the most important thing you’re putting off?

Well, I’ve been tossing around the idea of starting a business for quite some time.  This time last year, I actually sat down over the course of several weeks and devoured an incredible book called “The Boss of You” by Lauren Bacon & Emira Mears.  I have a full spiral bound notebook of ideas and business stuff that I wrote while reading this book.  I’ve read so many blogs and books about starting my own business, I’ve researched other businesses similar to what I want to do, I’ve made countless notes and have a billion ideas.  And the only thing holding me back is fear.

I’m terrified.  The sad part is, I can’t even allow myself to be terrified of failure because I’m too terrified to even make the attempt!  The business that I want to start is something that will require a lot of my time because it’s something that requires a lot of creativity and hands-on crafting skills, as well as photography and editing.  Also, my target market would be higher income families, which means I’d have to spend some serious dollars on marketing.  I just got out of debt a year ago so I’m terrified of getting back into debt trying to do something amazing.

Anyway, that’s the most important thing.  I really have every intention of getting the business off the ground.  I feel like every day that I go to work and sit in my office is a day wasted.  I can’t be creative and crafty at my current job.  I have so many ideas that are just bursting to get out!  I plan on spending a good deal of time at the beginning of this year working on a real solid business plan and trying to move this “idea” into more of a “real business”.  I’ve got to stop being afraid and just take one baby step at a time. 

In the meantime, this is my motivation.  My drive.  My determination.  My reason for being.  I love her more than I ever imagined was possible.  No matter how crazy life gets (and it definitely does!) and no matter how stressful my job is (today was really crazy), she always brings me back to Earth and reminds me to just have fun!

An A+ Day

My sweet Marley brought home another straight-A report card today!  She’s one of those smart kids.  🙂  We had fun tonight, too.  Mom brought over some fresh home-made banana pudding (YUM!) and we played a game of Cranium.  So fun! 


Hey, in case you haven’t thought about it yet –> it’s time to start thinking about summer camps.  Atlanta Parent is hosting the Summer Camp Expo – there’s 3 chances to go.  This weekend it’s at North Point Mall in Alpharetta Saturday from 11-4.  If you can’t get there, you can go to Town Center Mall in Kennesaw on Feb. 13th or Perimeter Mall on March 19th.  Mark, Marley and I are going Saturday so we’ll report back to let you know how it is. 



As I wrote yesterday, I’m in the process of reassessing my goals, vision, future, etc.  I’m not the type to make New Year’s resolutions or any such nonsense because I never stick to them.  But I do get myself stuck in a rut from time to time, and I get antsy and need a change or perspective.  So, since my senseless wanderings sometimes turn into good ideas, I’ve decided to keep up with said wanderings here on my blog.  Yea, it says “photo blog” but I don’t always feel the need to post pictures. 

Since I’m in the mood to blog more often, I’ve decided to join the “Post a Week 2011” that WordPress is setting up.  It’s pretty cool, I must say.  Somebody else comes up with ideas of things to write about, and it inspires people to blog.  It will keep me, and anyone else participating, from getting stuck in a rut.  Cool, huh? 

So basically, my goal is to write more often.  I’ll post pictures from time to time, sometimes from my Photo A Day, sometimes other things that catch my attention.  I spent a little time early in 2010 writing articles for Examiner as the (clears throat to sound official) “Atlanta Northside Family Entertainment Examiner” but I really didn’t have the time to do all the research for my articles and post them, especially when you don’t really get paid (much).  So I think I’ll incorporate some of that general feeling to this blog as well.  If there’s something cool going on in the Atlanta area for families, I’ll let you know about it.  If I go, I’ll tell you how it was – and probably post pictures! 

If I’m working on a cool craft (like my Family Album of 2010) I’ll share that, too…with pictures.  If I’m cooking something uber-fabulous that looks scrumptious, I’ll post that, too.

You get the idea. 

Twice a week at least.  That’s the goal.  I promise they won’t all be random thoughts of a wandering mind, like this post.  I just want you to know what I’ll be working on. 

I’ll end with this:  Don’t take life too seriously.  You’ll miss all the cool stuff going on.  Try to be more like Dakota, one of my dogs.  She knows how to RELAX!  LOL!

I’m still here…

I have diligently stuck to my 365 Project for 2011.  I just haven’t been diligently posting to my blog.  But I hope to change that.  I’m reassessing my life, my focus, my drive, and my goals.  Part of that reassessment has led me to do a different kind of 365 – more of a “Day in the life…” kinda thing.  I’m not going for artsy or creative or anything like that.  I want to capture my life, and those involved in it, one day at a time. 

I was inspired by Becky Higgins a.k.a Scrapbook and Creative Guru.  Yea, I gave her that name just now.  🙂  Seriously, if you’ve never heard of her, you’re missing out.  She is an incredibly talented woman, and so organized!  I {heart} organization.  For real.  Which is why I {heart} everything about Becky Higgins’ Project Life

So, let me just say this:  I don’t scrapbook.  As I mentioned, I love to be organized.  And when I think about scrapbooking, it doesn’t scream “organization” to me.  It screams (at the top of it’s lungs) disorder and chaos and paper scraps and stickers and memorabilia everywhere….  I digress.  Anywho, Becky takes scrapbooking and makes it not only EASY but (could it be??) ORGANIZED!!!  For all the scrapbooking-wannabe’s out there (me! me!) Project Life is the way to go.  It’s already kinda put together (sorta) but you still get the freedom to make it your own.  And you document your life ONE. DAY. AT. A. TIME.  How COOL!!!  Becky made these cool 3-ring binders and insert pages that are made to just slide in a 4×6 picture, one per day, and little note cards that allow you to document each day.  You just have to decide how often to print and put it together – once a week or once a month, whatever works for you. 

The good (read: AWESOME) news is, Project Life ROCKS.  The not-so-good (read: REALLY TERRIBLE, but only temporarily terrible) news is, Project Life is sold out right now.  Boo.  But, have no fear.  She’s ordered more and they’re on their way to Amazon and then to my doorstep – and yours, too.  {You know you want one, right?}

So, I digress…again.  The whole point of telling you about Becky Higgins and her awesome creation was to say this:  I’ve decided to do a Photo of the Day to document my life as I live it.  I’m hoping to snag my very own Project Life book as soon as they become available again…  Or I might make my own.  Who knows?  It might get a little crazy!!

Also, I normally make a digital photo book of my absolute favorite photo site Shutterflyevery year.  {LOVE LOVE LOVE Shutterfly}  Anyway, I make a year book every year, filling it with all of my favorite photos from my family event’s.  I usually spend way too much time on the computer putting it together, it ends up being the maximum 100 pages in an 8×8 format….  Then it takes me several months to actually buy it because I don’t feel like spending almost $200 to have it printed.  But once I have it, it’s GORGEOUS.  I made my wedding albums on Shutterfly, and I’ve made 7 other photo books…so yea, I dig ’em.

But, after checking out Becky Higgin’s and her Project Life, I set out to do something different for 2010.  Since I didn’t do a Photo of the Day last year, and since her Project Life is currently sold out, I made my own!  I’ll share my how-to’s and photos soon.  But it’s been incredibly refreshing and I am SO excited with how it’s turning out.  And guess what?  It’s ORGANIZED!!  It’s not chaos or messy or anything like that.  It’s simply…beautiful.

So, thanks Becky Higgin’s for your inspiration and fresh ideas.  Ever since the dawn of digital, I’ve printed less and I really miss pictures.  I love just thumbing through pictures.  So I promised myself to print more, and edit less.  Just enjoy the moments, and capture them.

Sunshine & Summertime

We spent a week in Seacrest, FL – here are a few of my favorite shots:



Gibson is a lonely dog.  His job is to keep the bad dreams away, but The Moo has been out of town a lot lately – first with me and the fam for a week in Florida, now for 2 weeks in Savannah with her grandparents.

He misses her a lot – me, too…a lot more.



The girls got a new toy today.  We’ll see how long it lasts….



It’s my birt-day!  It’s my birt-day!  (That’s me doin’ my birthday dance)

The hubs bought me flowers and a super sweet card (got a little choked up when I read what he wrote), then he took me to dinner where I thoroughly enjoyed my Jumbo Margarita!  YUM!

By the way, the hubs took this with his new Droid phone 🙂



After 4 1/2 years of using the same cell phone, which was clinging to life by duct tape, the hubs finally got a new phone.


Yea, that one.  🙂  He’s been sitting here playing with it for 3 hours now.  I don’t think he knows I even took this picture.

This is why we’ll never own a game system.



Stressful day today…I’m relaxing tonight.

Peace out.



I’m sad today.  I was walking through the path in our neighborhood looking for an opportunity for my 365 when all of a sudden, I dropped my camera.  I seriously don’t know how it slipped out my hands.

Good news:  the filter shattered but my lens didn’t.

Bad news:  there’s a rattling sound in my lens that wasn’t there before.

I’m just hoping it’ll hold on



Peek-A-Boo!  I see you!



“Amazing grace, oh how sweet the sound
There was glory in the air, there was dinner on the ground
And my sins which were many, were washed away and gone
Along with a buffalo nickel I forgot to leave at home
But that seemed like such a small, small price to pay
For the blessed peace of mind that came to me that day

And it was down with the old man, up with the new
Raised to walk in the way of light and truth
I didn’t see no angels, just a few saints on the shore
But I felt like a newborn baby, cradled up in the arms of the Lord…”
-Kenny Chesney & Randy Travis, “Baptism”

My beautiful baby girl was baptized today.  I can’t express the joy I felt when I watched this incredible experience.  God is good, all the time.



Home Sweet Home

We got home from our beach vacation today and I am completely exhausted, so today’s shot is pretty lame.  But it’s OK – we missed our girls and was so nice to get home to them.  🙂



We took the kids to the carnival in Panama City today and had a blast!



I’ve got an angel
She doesn’t wear any wings
She wears a heart that can melt my own
She wears a smile that can make me wanna sing
She gives me presents
With her presence alone
She gives me everything I could wish for
She gives me kisses on the lips just for coming home

-Jack Johnson, “Angel”



A little over two years ago, I married my best friend on this beach.  🙂



Tomorrow night is going to be a full moon – Yay!  We walked the beach tonight with our flashlights looking for blue crabs, and they were everywhere!  The females are laying their eggs right where the waves break onto the sand, and they were all over the place.  It was really cool to watch.  we saw more than 100 females in a 20 foot strip of beach.  Very cool!



We had an incredible storm tonight.  We saw it coming across the ocean from Panama City heading our direction.  The lightning got more brilliant as the storm moved closer, so when it got exciting, at my hubby’s urging, he and I ran down the street to an open view and set up the tripod…and waited. 

We snapped a few shots using 30 second exposure, and the last shot I took was this one.  Just when the shutter clicked, the bottom fell out and we high-tailed it home. 

SO excited that I got this shot – I’ve never been able to capture lightning before, so this is a big home run for me.  🙂



How can one doubt the existence of God when He consistently paints sunsets so amazing….