

Dear blog…I’ve missed you

Dear blog,

I know I haven’t been by to visit lately, but, well…life happened.  It does that sometimes, and it’s not always fun or easy or happy.  But you can’t stop it.  My family and I have been dealing with the loss of my sweet father-in-law and we’ll be picking up the pieces and working on finding a new “normal” for a while. 

So, dear blog, I’m sure you understand that this past week has been complete hell, but I have really missed you.  I have a lot that I’m working on, because when I need to get my mind off of things, I craft.  So, I’ll be sharing some things that I’ve been working on.  Crafting and scrapbooking is amazingly therapeutic for me.

I’m also hoping to update the blog itself over the next few weeks, and make it a little more aesthetically pleasing. 

So there.  I promise to be nice to you, dear blog, from now on.  I won’t neglect you anymore.  Promise.


Kirsten  XOXO

It’s here!! It’s here!!!

I’m SOOO excited!  My Project Life kit showed up on my doorstep today and was waiting for me when I got home!  YAY!!!!  I’ll write more later – gotta go open this bad boy up and check it out!  YAY!!!!

2 More Days! 2 More Days!!!

I am SOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!  Ever since I discoverd Becky’s Blog and Project Life, I’ve been fiending for one of my very own!  They’ve been out of stock for a while and now, guess what?!?  Today, THEY ARE IN STOCK!!!  I mentioned Becky to you in my blog earlier last week.

I’ve seriously been checking and re-checking and re-RE-checking all day, because last week Becky said they would be in stock some time early this week.  Well, Monday is early, right?  So all day I’ve been checking on my phone while I was at work.  And today, when I got home, I checked again and there they were!  Right there on Amazon, just waiting for me to “Add to Cart”.  And so I did!  And it’ll be in my hot little hands in 2 DAYS!!!

Order your very own Project Life HERE!  I got the Amber Edition 🙂  tee hee hee

The thing is…

So, as you can see by the little badge over to the right –> I’m participating in the Post A Week 2011, which means that at least once a week, I’ll blog about one of the topics posted on that blog.  This is the first week that I’m participating, and I really like the topic that was posted the other day:  What’s the most important thing you’re putting off?

Well, I’ve been tossing around the idea of starting a business for quite some time.  This time last year, I actually sat down over the course of several weeks and devoured an incredible book called “The Boss of You” by Lauren Bacon & Emira Mears.  I have a full spiral bound notebook of ideas and business stuff that I wrote while reading this book.  I’ve read so many blogs and books about starting my own business, I’ve researched other businesses similar to what I want to do, I’ve made countless notes and have a billion ideas.  And the only thing holding me back is fear.

I’m terrified.  The sad part is, I can’t even allow myself to be terrified of failure because I’m too terrified to even make the attempt!  The business that I want to start is something that will require a lot of my time because it’s something that requires a lot of creativity and hands-on crafting skills, as well as photography and editing.  Also, my target market would be higher income families, which means I’d have to spend some serious dollars on marketing.  I just got out of debt a year ago so I’m terrified of getting back into debt trying to do something amazing.

Anyway, that’s the most important thing.  I really have every intention of getting the business off the ground.  I feel like every day that I go to work and sit in my office is a day wasted.  I can’t be creative and crafty at my current job.  I have so many ideas that are just bursting to get out!  I plan on spending a good deal of time at the beginning of this year working on a real solid business plan and trying to move this “idea” into more of a “real business”.  I’ve got to stop being afraid and just take one baby step at a time. 

In the meantime, this is my motivation.  My drive.  My determination.  My reason for being.  I love her more than I ever imagined was possible.  No matter how crazy life gets (and it definitely does!) and no matter how stressful my job is (today was really crazy), she always brings me back to Earth and reminds me to just have fun!

Playin’ possum

My office building is in a heavily wooded area and we see lots of critters throughout the year.  We have a hawk family who nests behind our building in the spring and summer, and we get to see them flying around and hear them talking to one another.  We have tons of squirrels who like to walk along the rock wall under my office window.  And we have chipmunks everywhere – they like to dart around the parking lot when anybody comes out to their car.  Today, though, I saw a different kind of critter – this cute little possum.  🙂

This cute little fella came down the tree in front of my window today and I snapped a few quick shots with my phone as he (or she!) slowly made it’s way through the leaves.  Cute!  🙂


As I wrote yesterday, I’m in the process of reassessing my goals, vision, future, etc.  I’m not the type to make New Year’s resolutions or any such nonsense because I never stick to them.  But I do get myself stuck in a rut from time to time, and I get antsy and need a change or perspective.  So, since my senseless wanderings sometimes turn into good ideas, I’ve decided to keep up with said wanderings here on my blog.  Yea, it says “photo blog” but I don’t always feel the need to post pictures. 

Since I’m in the mood to blog more often, I’ve decided to join the “Post a Week 2011” that WordPress is setting up.  It’s pretty cool, I must say.  Somebody else comes up with ideas of things to write about, and it inspires people to blog.  It will keep me, and anyone else participating, from getting stuck in a rut.  Cool, huh? 

So basically, my goal is to write more often.  I’ll post pictures from time to time, sometimes from my Photo A Day, sometimes other things that catch my attention.  I spent a little time early in 2010 writing articles for Examiner as the (clears throat to sound official) “Atlanta Northside Family Entertainment Examiner” but I really didn’t have the time to do all the research for my articles and post them, especially when you don’t really get paid (much).  So I think I’ll incorporate some of that general feeling to this blog as well.  If there’s something cool going on in the Atlanta area for families, I’ll let you know about it.  If I go, I’ll tell you how it was – and probably post pictures! 

If I’m working on a cool craft (like my Family Album of 2010) I’ll share that, too…with pictures.  If I’m cooking something uber-fabulous that looks scrumptious, I’ll post that, too.

You get the idea. 

Twice a week at least.  That’s the goal.  I promise they won’t all be random thoughts of a wandering mind, like this post.  I just want you to know what I’ll be working on. 

I’ll end with this:  Don’t take life too seriously.  You’ll miss all the cool stuff going on.  Try to be more like Dakota, one of my dogs.  She knows how to RELAX!  LOL!

I’m still here…

I have diligently stuck to my 365 Project for 2011.  I just haven’t been diligently posting to my blog.  But I hope to change that.  I’m reassessing my life, my focus, my drive, and my goals.  Part of that reassessment has led me to do a different kind of 365 – more of a “Day in the life…” kinda thing.  I’m not going for artsy or creative or anything like that.  I want to capture my life, and those involved in it, one day at a time. 

I was inspired by Becky Higgins a.k.a Scrapbook and Creative Guru.  Yea, I gave her that name just now.  🙂  Seriously, if you’ve never heard of her, you’re missing out.  She is an incredibly talented woman, and so organized!  I {heart} organization.  For real.  Which is why I {heart} everything about Becky Higgins’ Project Life

So, let me just say this:  I don’t scrapbook.  As I mentioned, I love to be organized.  And when I think about scrapbooking, it doesn’t scream “organization” to me.  It screams (at the top of it’s lungs) disorder and chaos and paper scraps and stickers and memorabilia everywhere….  I digress.  Anywho, Becky takes scrapbooking and makes it not only EASY but (could it be??) ORGANIZED!!!  For all the scrapbooking-wannabe’s out there (me! me!) Project Life is the way to go.  It’s already kinda put together (sorta) but you still get the freedom to make it your own.  And you document your life ONE. DAY. AT. A. TIME.  How COOL!!!  Becky made these cool 3-ring binders and insert pages that are made to just slide in a 4×6 picture, one per day, and little note cards that allow you to document each day.  You just have to decide how often to print and put it together – once a week or once a month, whatever works for you. 

The good (read: AWESOME) news is, Project Life ROCKS.  The not-so-good (read: REALLY TERRIBLE, but only temporarily terrible) news is, Project Life is sold out right now.  Boo.  But, have no fear.  She’s ordered more and they’re on their way to Amazon and then to my doorstep – and yours, too.  {You know you want one, right?}

So, I digress…again.  The whole point of telling you about Becky Higgins and her awesome creation was to say this:  I’ve decided to do a Photo of the Day to document my life as I live it.  I’m hoping to snag my very own Project Life book as soon as they become available again…  Or I might make my own.  Who knows?  It might get a little crazy!!

Also, I normally make a digital photo book of my absolute favorite photo site Shutterflyevery year.  {LOVE LOVE LOVE Shutterfly}  Anyway, I make a year book every year, filling it with all of my favorite photos from my family event’s.  I usually spend way too much time on the computer putting it together, it ends up being the maximum 100 pages in an 8×8 format….  Then it takes me several months to actually buy it because I don’t feel like spending almost $200 to have it printed.  But once I have it, it’s GORGEOUS.  I made my wedding albums on Shutterfly, and I’ve made 7 other photo books…so yea, I dig ’em.

But, after checking out Becky Higgin’s and her Project Life, I set out to do something different for 2010.  Since I didn’t do a Photo of the Day last year, and since her Project Life is currently sold out, I made my own!  I’ll share my how-to’s and photos soon.  But it’s been incredibly refreshing and I am SO excited with how it’s turning out.  And guess what?  It’s ORGANIZED!!  It’s not chaos or messy or anything like that.  It’s simply…beautiful.

So, thanks Becky Higgin’s for your inspiration and fresh ideas.  Ever since the dawn of digital, I’ve printed less and I really miss pictures.  I love just thumbing through pictures.  So I promised myself to print more, and edit less.  Just enjoy the moments, and capture them.


My sweet daughter made this necklace for me.  It’s my bling bling.  🙂  I’ll be wearing it tomorrow.  It’ll be a heavy day, and this will remind me why I keep breathing.

Help-Portrait Pictures

I’ve been debating as to whether or not to post any pictures from Help-Portrait Day on Dec. 4th, and I finally have made my decision.  These images are of some amazingly beautiful children, and despite what they have been through (and continue to go through) they are so happy!  It’s inspiring to me, so I thought I would share.  Count your blessings.


This dog…what can I say?  She’s got a great life.  She even has her own leather couch.  Nobody sits there but her.  Unless we have company come over.  Then she sits on them. 

Her new thing is sleeping with her head on the coffee table.  Weirdo.  Love her tons.  🙂


My weekend is all-too-quickly coming to a close.  I’ve enjoyed being off work since noon last Thursday, and I’m really dreading the week ahead.  I know there will be some serious stress starting tomorrow morning at 5am when my alarm clock goes off.  So for now, I’ll just sit here and enjoy the last bits of sunshine and the last few hours of my Sunday. 

1.365 – Here I go again…

A new year is upon us, and it’s time to start doing all that stuff you wish you did last year but just didn’t get around to for whatever reason.  I attempted a 365 last year – started 4.1.10 and made it 92 days straight.  Not bad for my first attempt, I think.  But this year I’d like to complete the entire year.  I’m too tired today to be motivated but I know I’ll get there. 

We spent New Year’s Day as we always do – eating too much food, drinking too much beer, and laughing A LOT with our dearest friends.  It’s a tradition that we hope will never end, and I can’t think of any better way to celebrate the new year.  This year the boys pulled out their guitars and played some acoustic tunes for us. 

Good times, good times. 

Happy New Year 2011!!!!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everybody!  And Happy New Year!  I hope 2011 blesses you with good health, great friends, and the best year of your life!!!  God bless!

The gift of hope…

I visited Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta at Scottish-Rite today for my walk-through so I could get a lay of the land before the big Help-Portrait Day on December 4th.  To be completely honest, I didn’t feel like going today.  I was dreading it, actually.  I just wanted to go home and be lazy on the couch.  But I had made a committment to be there, and Brooke was expecting me, so I went. 

I sat in traffic and made it over to Scottish-Rite, then I couldn’t figure out how to get to the parking deck.  I drove around the building and made several u-turns, then finally found my way in.  I parked and navigated the maze of the parking deck, then made my way upstairs. 

When the elevator doors opened, I felt like I was stepping into a cool new world.  I walked down the hallway surrounded by a myriad of windows in every color of the rainbow, then the room opened up into this amazing entry room.  It was huge, modern design, bright colors…beautiful and warm.  I stopped at the information desk and got directions to The Zone where my contact Brooke was waiting for me.  I was looking around as I made my way through the corridor towards the hallway to the elevators, and I felt genuinely happy.  This place was gorgeous and colorful and bright and warm…  The people were so friendly…  Even the few patients wandering the corridors seemed to be in a good mood.  It didn’t feel like a hospital.  I made it to the other end of the corridor and turned to head down the hallway to the elevators near the cafeteria, and it started to feel real.

“Radiation:  Do Not Enter”          “Patient Rooms”          “Family Resource Center: Live-in parents only”          “Infant Care”

Reality check.  Not only is this a hospital, but it’s a hospital for really sick kids.  On the surface, it’s bright and beautiful.  But when the shiny happiness is mixed in with hospital signs, it starts to sink in just how serious this place is. 

I made it to The Zone, met up with Brooke, and got the lay of the land.  This place is SO COOL!  The chandelier is made of hockey sticks donated from every NHL team.  The quiet room has a table made of skateboards with a guitar hanging on the wall.  There’s a bunch of tiny tables and chairs with tons of arts and crafts supplies scattered everywhere.  And the theater room, which is where I’ll be taking pictures on December 4th, is incredible.  The back wall looks like the stands at Turner Field full of people.  There are even a couple of big baseball mitt chairs.  Outside, there’s a courtyard with a basketball court and a walkway to a beautifully landscaped koi pond.  After spending some time with Brooke and discussing the details of Help-Portrait Day, I made my way back to the elevators to head home.  I was full of joy and excitement and anticipation for the big day.  I was full of hope.

Then, again, the elevator doors opened and I walked that hallway again.  And there were the signs again – those signs reminding me of what this place was, who comes here.  “Radiation” – cancer treatment.  “Patient Rooms” – more than a one-night stay.  “Family Resource Center: Live-in parents only” – for parents of long-term care patients.  And the scariest one of all – “Infant Care” – a lot of these babies never leave the hospital.

As I made my way back to the car, the reality sank in.  My chest felt like I had a ton of bricks sitting on it.  I got in my car, put  my key in the ignition…and the tears came.  I was flooded with emotion, overwhelmed with grief and pain and sympathy.  I cried hard.  And I prayed.  I thanked God for my healthy child and my healthy family.  I prayed for peace and healing for the families in that hospital.  I prayed for guidance for the medical staff.  It felt good.  The tears felt really, really good. 

After a little while, I dried my eyes and left the hospital.  I know I’m going back there in a few weeks.  I’ll be photographing those sick kids and their families.  I’ll probably even be photographing some of those babies who may never leave the hospital.  And I have a very strong feeling that I’ll cry again.  Hard. 

Hopefully my photographs will give these families a permanent picture of a happy moment in their lives, perhaps in the midst of some really dark times.  Hopefully these images will give them some hope, maybe a smile every now and then. 

For me, just the act of photographing these kids and their families will give me peace and pure, genuine joy.  I’ve already been touched by what I’m about to do.  I can only imagine the kind of impact these images will have on me, and the act of meeting these amazing people…. 

Now I need you.  Saturday, December 4th, I will be spending 4 hours with these wonderful patients and their families, capturing their personal intimate moments on camera.  I’ll be giving them portraits completely free of charge.  But in order to do that, I need donations.  $20 will take care of one family.  Please consider donating.  Your time is valuable, too.  If you would like to volunteer your time on December 4th, please contact me.  Thank you.


Phone:  770.713.6520



Daisies make me happy 🙂



“Don’t worry about a thing,
‘Cause every little thing gonna be all right.
Singin’: “Don’t worry about a thing,
‘Cause every little thing gonna be all right!”

Rise up this mornin’,
Smiled with the risin’ sun,
Three little birds
Pitch by my doorstep
Singin’ sweet songs
Of melodies pure and true,
Sayin’, (“This is my message to you-ou-ou:”)



Golden hour + bokeh = AWESOME!



“Life, the gift of nature, love, the gift of life, a Kiss, the gift of Love.”



Take me out to the ballgame…

We went to the Braves v. Tigers game today – Go Tigers!  10-4!  🙂



Ahhh…….sweet summer…



My first attempt at water photography…



The kid is a creative genius…



She is a thing of beauty….



Playing with my Nifty Fifty – got some cool Butterfly Bokeh 🙂